In a constantly evolving digital landscape, proactive threat detection has become imperative for any organization wishing to protect its critical IT assets. Cyberattacks are becoming more sophisticated, cybercriminals more adept, and businesses must remain vigilant to prevent data breaches, privacy violations, and operational disruptions. At Welan, we understand the challenges organizations face in combating cyber threats, which is why we offer a comprehensive range of detection services.

Our team of information systems security experts is specially trained to tackle these challenges. We provide advanced solutions in key areas such as Security Operations Center (SOC) audits, detection strategy reviews, Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) integration, and support for PDIS (Prestataire de Détection d’Incidents de Sécurité) qualification. These services are designed to help organizations detect, analyze, and respond quickly to emerging threats, thereby reducing the risks of data breaches and operational disruptions.

The challenges of threat detection are manifold: it involves identifying malicious activities before they cause harm, minimizing downtime and financial losses associated with cyberattacks, and safeguarding the reputation and trust of clients.

  1. SOC Audit
  2. Detection Strategy Review
  3. SIEM Integration
  4. PDIS Qualification Support

Evaluate your detection capability

SOC Audit

Security Operations Centers (SOC) play a crucial role in monitoring, detecting, and responding to security threats in IT environments. Regular audits of your SOC are essential to ensure its operational effectiveness, alignment with industry best practices, and ability to respond to emerging threats. At Welan, we offer comprehensive audit services to assess the performance, robustness, and compliance of your SOC, thereby ensuring optimal protection of your IT assets.

  1. Analysis of Structure and Processes: We begin with a thorough analysis of the organizational structure of your SOC, examining its goals, responsibilities, governance, and operational processes. We also assess team composition, staff skills, and internal coordination mechanisms to identify strengths and potential areas for improvement.

  1. Evaluation of Technologie: Next, we review the technologies deployed within your SOC, including intrusion detection tools, Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) systems, Data Loss Prevention (DLP) solutions, and others. We assess their effectiveness, integration, and ability to meet the specific operational needs of your organization.

  1. Examination of Detection and Response Processes : We conduct a detailed examination of your SOC’s security incident detection and response processes, evaluating their speed, accuracy, and comprehensiveness. We review threat detection procedures, incident analysis methods, communication and coordination protocols, as well as remediation mechanisms.

  1. Resilience and Redundancy Testing:: We test the resilience and redundancy of your SOC by simulating realistic attack scenarios and evaluating your team’s ability to effectively manage crisis situations. We identify potential gaps in business continuity plans and backup mechanisms, and provide recommendations to enhance the resilience of your SOC.

  1. Audit Report and Recommendations: At the end of the audit, we provide a detailed report on our findings, highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of your SOC, along with specific recommendations to improve its performance and security. We work closely with your team to implement these recommendations and enhance your SOC’s ability to address current and future security threats.

An effective SOC is a crucial component of any cybersecurity strategy, but its performance can be compromised by gaps in structure, processes, or technologies. Regular auditing of your SOC allows you to identify and address these gaps before they become security vulnerabilities. By investing in a SOC audit with Welan, you ensure the robustness and efficiency of your security infrastructure, thereby guaranteeing the continuous protection of your IT assets against security threats.

Detection Strategy Review

The ability to quickly detect security threats is a crucial element of any effective cybersecurity strategy. Regularly reviewing your detection strategies is essential to ensure their relevance, effectiveness, and alignment with emerging threats. At Welan, we offer comprehensive review services for detection strategies, helping you optimize your ability to identify and respond to security threats.

  1. Relevance Analysis: We start with an in-depth analysis of your current detection strategies, examining their relevance to the specific threats and vulnerabilities your organization faces. We evaluate the coverage of attack scenarios, sensitivity to indicators of compromise (IoC), and the ability to detect emerging attack techniques.

  1. Effectiveness Evaluation: Next, we review the effectiveness of your detection strategies by assessing their ability to identify real security incidents, reduce false positives, and minimize detection delays. We examine performance metrics, alert thresholds, and investigation processes to identify strengths and potential areas for improvement.

  1. Alignment Review:: We also assess the alignment of your detection strategies with industry best practices, security standards, and current regulations. We ensure that your strategies comply with the recommendations of ANSSI, ISO/IEC 27001, and other relevant security frameworks, thereby guaranteeing optimal protection of your IT assets.

  1. Gap Identification: We identify gaps in your detection strategies, highlighting uncovered attack scenarios, missing indicators, and inadequate processes. We provide specific recommendations to address these gaps, enhancing your detection capabilities and improving your ability to respond effectively to security threats.

  1. Optimization of Tools and Technologies: Finally, we assist you in optimizing your detection tools and technologies by assessing the relevance of your SIEM solutions, intrusion detection systems, and other security monitoring tools. We offer recommendations to enhance the configuration, integration, and utilization of these tools, thereby maximizing their operational effectiveness.

In a constantly evolving digital landscape, cyber threats evolve rapidly and detection strategies must adapt accordingly. Regular review of your detection strategies allows you to identify and address gaps, ensuring continuous protection of your IT assets against security threats. By investing in a detection strategy review with Welan, you strengthen your security posture and ensure your organization is prepared to face emerging threats.

SIEM integration

In a digital world where security threats evolve rapidly, it is essential for organizations to have a robust solution to monitor, detect, and respond to security incidents. Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) solutions provide a centralized approach to collect, analyze, and correlate security data from multiple sources. At Welan, we offer comprehensive SIEM integration services, helping you maximize the effectiveness of your security infrastructure and strengthen your overall security posture.

  1. Assessment of Needs: We start with a thorough assessment of your security requirements, identifying critical data sources, specific use cases, and compliance requirements. We collaborate closely with your team to understand your strategic objectives and operational constraints, enabling us to design a SIEM solution tailored to your unique needs.

  1. Solution Selection: Based on this assessment, we assist you in selecting the SIEM solution that best fits your environment, taking into account factors such as the size of your organization, the complexity of your IT infrastructure, and your specific security goals. We evaluate leading solutions in the market, focusing on their user-friendliness, scalability, flexibility, and ability to meet your future needs.

  1. Architecture Design: Once the SIEM solution is selected, we design a robust deployment architecture that considers performance, redundancy, and security requirements. We define data flows, correlation rules, customized dashboards, and alerting processes to ensure effective monitoring of your IT environment.

  1. Implementation and Configuration: We then proceed with the implementation and configuration of the SIEM solution, integrating relevant data sources and customizing incident detection rules. We work closely with your IT team to ensure a successful implementation, minimizing operational disruptions and ensuring a smooth transition to the new solution.

  1. Training and Awareness: We offer training and awareness sessions for your staff to familiarize them with the new SIEM solution and enhance their ability to effectively use its features. We also provide guidance on security best practices, alert management, and incident investigation processes to ensure optimal utilization of the SIEM solution.

An integrated SIEM solution provides invaluable visibility into the security activities of your organization, enabling you to detect and respond quickly to emerging threats. By investing in SIEM integration, you enhance your ability to protect your IT assets, minimize data breach risks, and ensure business continuity, even against the most sophisticated threats.

PDIS Qualification Support

Qualification as a Security Incident Detection Provider (PDIS) is an official recognition of an organization’s ability to detect, analyze, and effectively respond to security incidents. At Welan, we offer comprehensive support services to help you achieve PDIS qualification, demonstrating your commitment to excellence in threat detection and enhancing the trust of your clients and partners.

  1. Initial assessment: We start with a thorough evaluation of your security infrastructure and incident detection processes, identifying the strengths and weaknesses of your current security program. We examine your detection, analysis, and response capabilities, as well as your compliance with regulatory requirements and industry best practices.

  1. Defining Objectives: Building on this assessment, we work closely with your team to define clear and measurable goals for your incident detection program. We identify priority areas for improvement and establish a detailed action plan to achieve your PDIS qualification objectives within the set timelines.

  1. Implementation of Improvements: We support you throughout the process of implementing the necessary improvements to meet the PDIS qualification requirements. This may include deploying new incident detection tools, enhancing operational processes, training staff, and documenting detection and response procedures.

  1. Preparation for audit: We assist you in preparing for the official PDIS qualification audit by providing guidance on best preparation practices, organizing training sessions for your team, and conducting audit simulations to ensure you are ready to meet the auditor’s requirements.

  1. Audit and Certification: Once prepared, we accompany you during the official PDIS qualification audit, providing ongoing support and strategic guidance to ensure a successful evaluation. We collaborate closely with the certification body to meet all qualification requirements and obtain the PDIS certification.

Obtaining the PDIS qualification is an official recognition of your ability to detect and respond to security incidents, thereby enhancing the confidence of your clients and partners in your capability to protect their sensitive data. By achieving PDIS qualification, you demonstrate your commitment to security excellence and strengthen your market position as a trusted provider for threat detection.