In today’s digital world, cybersecurity incidents are unfortunately inevitable. Whether it’s a data breach, malicious intrusion, or ransomware attack, the consequences of a cybersecurity incident can be devastating for your business.

However, a quick, coordinated, and effective response can make all the difference between a minor disruption and a major catastrophe.

Our team of cybersecurity experts is here to help you prepare and implement a robust cybersecurity incident response plan, enabling you to react proactively in emergencies and minimize potential damage to your business.

This page outlines the comprehensive security incident response services offered by WELAN, focusing on speed, accuracy, and collaboration to help your business confidently and resiliently tackle cybersecurity challenges.

  1. Digital Forensics Investigations
  2. Post-Incident Support
  3. PRIS Qualification Support


Forensic Investigations

Digital forensics investigations, also known as digital forensic analysis, are essential for understanding cybersecurity incidents, identifying threat sources, and collecting evidence that can be used in legal investigations.

Our team of cybersecurity experts follows a rigorous methodology to conduct thorough computer investigations:

  1. Data Collection: We start by gathering all relevant data, including system logs, configuration files, network artifacts, packet captures, and any other information that may provide clues about the incident.

  1. Data Analysis: We conduct a detailed analysis of the collected data to identify suspicious activities, abnormal behaviors, and indicators of compromise. This may include reviewing event logs, analyzing system files, verifying data integrity, and identifying anomalies.

  1. Incident Reconstruction: Using the collected data and analysis results, we reconstruct the incident step by step to understand how it occurred, the methods used by attackers, and the security vulnerabilities exploited.

  1. Threat Identification: We identify threat sources and attack vectors to determine who is responsible for the incident and their motivations. This may include analyzing IP addresses, malware signatures, traces of malicious activity, and other pieces of evidence.

  1. Evidence Collection: We gather reliable and valid digital evidence that can be used in a judicial investigation or to support legal actions against the perpetrators of the incident. This may include creating detailed reports, documenting analysis results, and preserving data in a format suitable for courtroom use.

  1. Reports and Recommendations: We summarize our findings in a comprehensive investigation report, describing the analysis results, collected evidence, recommendations to enhance security, and corrective measures to implement to prevent future incidents.

Our computer investigation methodology is based on industry best practices and includes the following steps:

  1. Planning: Defining investigation objectives, identifying necessary resources, and developing a detailed action plan.

  1. Data Acquisition: Collecting relevant data while preserving its integrity and authenticity.

  1. Analysis: Thorough analysis of the data to identify evidence and reconstruct the incident.

  1. Interpretation : Interpreting the analysis results to identify the underlying causes of the incident and determine corrective actions to take.

  1. Report: Preparation of a detailed investigation report summarizing the findings, recommendations, and corrective actions.

  1. Follow-up: Monitoring the recommendations and corrective measures to ensure effective implementation and to prevent similar incidents in the future.

Post-Incident Support

After experiencing a cybersecurity incident, resuming operations and preventing future threats are essential to ensure the stability and security of your business. Our post-incident support service offers a holistic approach to help you overcome the challenges posed by a cybersecurity incident and strengthen your security posture for the future.

Our team of cybersecurity experts is specially trained to provide comprehensive support following a cybersecurity incident:

  1. Impact Assessment: We begin by assessing the impact of the incident on your business, identifying affected systems, compromised data, and operational disruptions.

  1. Post-Mortem Analysis: We conduct a post-mortem analysis of the incident to understand the underlying causes, attack vectors, and exploited security vulnerabilities.

  1. Business Continuity Plan Development: We develop a detailed business continuity plan to help you quickly restore normal operations and minimize disruptions for your business and clients.

  1. Security Strengthening: We assist in strengthening your infrastructure security by identifying and addressing security vulnerabilities, implementing additional preventive measures, and providing training to your employees on security best practices.

  1. Monitoring and Evaluation: We ensure regular monitoring to assess the effectiveness of implemented corrective measures and to identify potential areas for improvement.

  1. Prevention of Future Threats: Using lessons learned from the incident, we help you implement proactive measures to prevent future threats and enhance your business’s resilience against future attacks.