In today’s complex digital landscape, where cybersecurity threats are rapidly evolving and businesses face a multitude of regulations and compliance standards, establishing robust governance, risk management, and compliance (GRC) is essential to protect digital assets and ensure operational continuity. GRC in cybersecurity encompasses a range of disciplines, policies, and practices aimed at ensuring the security, confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data and computer systems.

The challenges of GRC in Cybersecurity include:

  1. Governance : Cybersecurity governance involves establishing policies, organizational structures, and decision-making processes to oversee and guide computer security initiatives. Effective governance ensures that cybersecurity is aligned with business objectives, that responsibilities are clearly defined, and that resources are allocated appropriately.

  2. Risk Management : Risk management in cybersecurity involves identifying, assessing, and mitigating potential risks to data, systems, and business processes. This includes identifying threats and vulnerabilities, assessing their potential impact, and implementing control measures to reduce risks to an acceptable level.

  3. Compliance : Compliance in cybersecurity refers to compliance with laws, regulations, standards, and best practices in information security. Companies must comply with a wide range of regulations, such as GDPR, the NIS Directive, ISO 27001 standard, PCI DSS, among others, depending on their industry and geographic jurisdiction.

At Welan, we understand that GRC is a fundamental pillar of modern cybersecurity. Our team of experts has extensive experience in designing, implementing, and evaluating cybersecurity GRC programs, helping our clients navigate a constantly evolving digital environment while complying with regulatory requirements and mitigating risks. With our proactive approach, deep expertise, and commitment to excellence, we are here to help you strengthen your security posture and protect what matters most to your business.

  1. PCI DSS Support
  2. ANSSI Framework Support
  3. ISO2700x Support

Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS)

PCI DSS Support

PCI DSS certification is a data security standard designed to ensure the protection of customer payment information during credit or debit card transactions. This standard is essential for any business that processes, stores, or transmits payment card data. As a certifier, Welan provides specialized expertise to help businesses achieve and maintain compliance with this rigorous standard, ensuring the security and confidentiality of financial transactions.

We adopt a strategic and pragmatic approach to help our clients achieve PCI DSS certification:

  1. Initial Assessment: We begin with a thorough assessment of your company’s IT environment, identifying processes, systems, and data flows that fall under PCI DSS standards.

  1. *Gap Analysis: Based on our assessment, we identify gaps between your existing security practices and the requirements of the PCI DSS standard, highlighting areas that require improvement.

  1. Planning and Implementation: We collaborate with your team to develop a detailed action plan to address identified gaps and implement necessary security measures to achieve PCI DSS compliance.

  1. Training and Awareness: We provide training to your employees on data security best practices, policies, and procedures specific to the PCI DSS standard, thereby reinforcing a culture of security within your organization.

  1. Audit and Certification: Our team of PCI DSS certified experts conducts a comprehensive audit of your infrastructure and processes, ensuring all standard requirements are met and appropriately documented. We assess the effectiveness of your security controls and identify potential areas for improvement.

  1. Monitoring and Compliance Maintenance: Once certified, we ensure regular monitoring to ensure your business maintains compliance with the PCI DSS standard over time. We provide ongoing support and expert guidance to address new security challenges and help you remain compliant with evolving requirements.

The benefits of PCI DSS Certification with Welan:

  1. Certified Expertise: As an accredited certifier, we provide you with a team of PCI DSS certified experts who have extensive experience in PCI DSS compliance audit and certification.

  1. Personalized Support: We provide personalized support throughout the certification process, tailoring our approach to meet your specific needs and offering customized advice and recommendations to ensure your success.

  1. Enhanced Trust: PCI DSS certification enhances the confidence of your customers and partners by demonstrating your commitment to protecting their payment information. This can lead to increased customer loyalty and an enhanced reputation for your brand.

  1. Risk Reduction: Compliance with the PCI DSS standard reduces the risks of data breaches and payment card fraud, thereby protecting you against financial losses and reputational damage.

  1. Regulatory Compliance: PCI DSS certification helps your business comply with government and industry regulations regarding data security, thereby avoiding potential fines and regulatory sanctions.

PCI DSS certification is more than just a regulatory requirement; it’s a mark of trust that demonstrates your commitment to protecting your customers’ payment information. By choosing Welan as your PCI DSS certification partner, you show your customers that their security and privacy are your top priority. This enhanced trust can lead to increased customer loyalty, improved brand reputation, and sustainable business growth.

PDIS - PRIS - SecNumCloud

ANSSI framework support

The security of information systems is at the heart of concerns for all organizations, whether in the public or private sector. The ANSSI frameworks, such as PRIS (Incident Response Service Provider), PDIS (Security Incident Detection Service Provider), and SecNumCloud, provide essential guidelines to ensure the protection of data and critical infrastructures. At Welan, we provide personalized support to help you navigate through these frameworks and strengthen your security posture.

We take a comprehensive approach to assist our clients in complying with ANSSI standards:

  1. Needs Analysis: We begin with a thorough analysis of your information systems security needs, taking into account your sector-specific requirements and operational demands.

  1. Compliance Assessment: Based on this analysis, we assess your compliance with ANSSI standards, identifying gaps and determining necessary corrective measures.

  1. Strategic Planning: We then develop a personalized strategic plan to assist you in achieving and maintaining compliance with ANSSI frameworks, defining key steps and measurable objectives.

  1. mplementation and Integration: We support you throughout the implementation process of recommended security measures, ensuring they are seamlessly integrated into your existing processes and systems.

  1. Training and Awareness: We offer training and awareness sessions for your staff to strengthen a security culture and ensure successful adoption of recommended practices.

  1. Audit and Monitoring: Finally, we conduct regular audits to verify your ongoing compliance with ANSSI standards, providing detailed reports and recommendations to maintain and enhance your security posture.

PRIS Support: For organizations looking to enhance their security incident response capabilities, our PRIS support service provides specialized expertise. We assist businesses in implementing robust processes and protocols to detect, manage, and mitigate security incidents, thereby minimizing potential losses and impacts on their reputation.

PDIS Support: For organizations looking to enhance their ability to detect security incidents, our PDIS support service is designed to meet their needs. We assist companies in implementing advanced incident detection systems, training their staff to recognize early signs of a security breach, and establishing appropriate response protocols to minimize damage.

SecNumCloud Support: For organizations migrating to the cloud or looking to enhance the security of their existing cloud infrastructures, our SecNumCloud support service provides specialized assistance. We help businesses assess their compliance with ANSSI security recommendations for the cloud, identify potential vulnerabilities, and implement appropriate security measures to protect their sensitive data.

ISO2700x Support

ISO/IEC 27000, also known as the ISO/IEC 2700X series, is a set of international standards that provide guidelines and best practices for information security management within organizations. This family of standards covers a wide range of areas related to information security, including risk management, security measures, information security governance, regulatory compliance, and security incident management.

ISO/IEC 27001 is the central pillar of the ISO/IEC 2700X series. It establishes requirements for establishing, implementing, maintaining, and continually improving an Information Security Management System (ISMS) within an organization. According to ISO/IEC 27001, organizations must identify information security risks, implement appropriate security measures to mitigate them, and establish processes to monitor and effectively manage these risks.

In addition to ISO/IEC 27001, the ISO/IEC 2700X family of standards also includes other relevant standards, such as:

  1. ISO/IEC 27002: This standard provides a set of best practices for information security management, detailing a wide range of security controls and measures that organizations can implement to protect their IT assets.

  1. ISO/IEC 27005: This standard provides guidelines for information security risk management, helping organizations identify, assess, and treat potential risks to their sensitive information.

  1. ISO/IEC 27003, ISO/IEC 27004, ISO/IEC 27006: These standards provide additional guidelines for the implementation, measurement, and certification of an ISMS in accordance with ISO/IEC 27001.

The ISO/IEC 2700X family of standards is widely recognized globally as a crucial framework for information security management. Compliance with these standards helps organizations strengthen their security posture, mitigate risks related to information security, and demonstrate their commitment to protecting sensitive data.

At Welan, we offer tailor-made support to help organizations achieve and maintain compliance with the ISO/IEC 27001 standard, as well as its derivatives.

We adopt a holistic approach to support our clients in their compliance with the ISO/IEC 27001 standard and its derivatives:

  1. Initial Analysis: We start with a thorough analysis of your information security needs, identifying critical assets, potential threats, and vulnerabilities of your organization.

  1. Compliance Assessment: Based on this analysis, we assess your compliance with the ISO/IEC 27001 standard and other relevant standards, identifying gaps and determining necessary corrective measures.

  1. Strategic Planning: We then develop a customized strategic plan to help you achieve and maintain compliance with ISO/IEC 27001 and related standards, setting key milestones and measurable objectives.

  1. Implementation and Integration: We support you throughout the process of implementing the recommended security measures, ensuring that they are seamlessly integrated into your existing processes and systems.

  1. Training and Awareness: We offer training and awareness sessions for your staff to strengthen the culture of security and ensure successful adoption of recommended practices.

  1. Audit and Monitoring: Finally, we conduct regular audits to verify your ongoing compliance with ISO/IEC 27001 and related standards, providing you with detailed reports and recommendations to maintain and improve your security posture.