Our services

Our services are structured around 5 pillars

Founded on five fundamental pillars, our service catalog enables the implementation of a robust defense strategy against threats, while maximizing operational efficiency and regulatory compliance.

In addition to our technical expertise, we are committed to maintaining a constant level of knowledge through rigorous monitoring procedures and comprehensive internal sharing and training sessions. This enables us to address the constantly evolving techniques of attackers effectively and meet the challenges of today’s cyber landscape.

Technical audits are detailed evaluations of an infrastructure, networks, systems, and/or applications. They can be conducted for various purposes such as regulatory compliance, security risk assessment, or identifying potential vulnerabilities.

Penetration tests, also known as pentests, simulate targeted attacks against an organization’s systems to assess their resilience against real threats. These tests can be conducted internally (simulating an attack from within the organization) or externally (simulating an attack from outside the organization).

The results of penetration tests are used to enhance system security by identifying and remedying discovered vulnerabilities.
We offer long-term services by assisting our clients in addressing security vulnerabilities identified during an audit before they can be exploited by attackers.

In addition, our experienced team can collaborate with you to define and implement a robust cybersecurity program aligned with your strategic objectives and tailored to your specific environment.

Whether you are looking to secure existing technologies such as Active Directory environments or undertaking new projects such as integrating Privileged Access Management (PAM) solutions, we are here to support you at every step of the process.
The activity of security incident detection involves continuously monitoring suspicious activities and abnormal behaviors within an infrastructure to quickly identify potential threats and take immediate corrective actions to minimize potential damage. Our services related to security incident detection aim to assist you in developing or assessing a strategy for collecting and analyzing events occurring within your infrastructure. In this context, we also offer to assess your detection providers (e.g., Security Operation Centers) to evaluate their detection capabilities and their coverage level of the MITRE ATT&CK framework.

Need a detection service? We also provide SIEM integration services to support you in implementing an internal SOC.

Our expertise in detection activities is further demonstrated through our audit services for qualified detection providers under the ANSSI’s PDIS framework.
When detecting a security incident, we offer to intervene promptly to assist our clients in investigation work. Our methodical approach involves collecting and analyzing traces left by attackers to address the following questions typically posed during such events:

1. What is the intrusion vector?
2. What data did the attackers access?
3. Was this data exfiltrated?
4. Have any backdoors been installed?
5. How long have the attackers been present?
6. Can I safely restore my backups?

We also offer an annual subscription for a set number of intervention days to streamline administrative and contractual processes, optimizing the response time of our forensic analysts in the event of an incident.
We have expertise in several security frameworks such as those published by ANSSI (PDIS, PRIS, and SecNumCloud), PCI DSS published by credit card brands through PCI SSC, and ISO 27001. Around these frameworks, we offer a range of services including audits, drafting policies and procedures, support or implementation of specific controls.