Watch David Weber’s presentation at OSSIR, where he explains the key concepts related to the PDIS framework (Security Incident Detection Service Providers).

What is the PDIS Framework?

Similar to the SecNumCloud or PASSI frameworks, the PDIS framework (Security Incident Detection Service Providers) is a French regulatory framework that defines the requirements and criteria that providers offering security incident detection services (i.e., SOCs) must comply with.

This framework was developed by ANSSI (Agence Nationale de la Sécurité des Systèmes d’Information), the national authority on cybersecurity in France.

The PDIS framework aims to ensure that incident detection providers have the necessary technical, organizational, and human capabilities to provide quality and reliable services.

What Legitimacy Do We Have to Address This Topic?

WELAN offers expertise services around security incident detection activities such as SOC audits or SIEM integration .

During a PDIS qualification audit, the security evaluation center delegates an audit team composed of 3 profiles:

  1. An Evaluation Manager (i.e., “RE”)
  2. A Technical Architecture Expert (i.e., “ETA”)
  3. A Technical Detection Expert (i.e., “ETD”)

David Weber is qualified to conduct PDIS audits as a “Technical Architecture Expert” (i.e., ETA) and “Technical Detection Expert” (i.e., ETD).

Note: WELAN is not an evaluation center approved by the agency.
WELAN collaborates with approved evaluation centers such as LNE , LSTI , or Certi-Trust .

For more information on the qualification process, you can refer to the ANSSI qualification page on the ANSSI website.


OSSIR, or Observatoire de la Sécurité des Systèmes d’Information et des Réseaux, is a French association dedicated to promoting and disseminating knowledge about information systems security. Founded in 1996, it brings together cybersecurity professionals, experts, and enthusiasts.

It is an association we particularly appreciate at WELAN, and we warmly thank them for giving us the opportunity to speak.

The Presentation (in french)